Thursday, January 13, 2011

A few new pictures...

A few recent game camera pictures from my hunting lease...

I'm hoping these two bucks survived this season and hang around until next fall. Both could be potential shooters with another year of age...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Some Interesting Game Camera Pics...

On my last trip to my hunting lease I checked one of my game cameras and had some very interesting pictures...

First was this deer that seems to have some very abnormal antler growth occurring...

I'm not sure what might have caused this, but my best guess is it is a buck that has some type of testicular problem which would make his antlers remain in velvet and not grow normally. Or it could be an antlered doe....who knows?

Then I noticed the pictures of this young buck that appears to have a fresh wound in the front of his torso...

Once again, I have no way of knowing what caused this. Nobody on our lease has shot and wounded a deer this year so maybe it was shot on a neighboring property. Or maybe it was attacked by a predator and escaped. But my best guess is it probably got caught up in a barbed-wire fence and tore its chest and legs up trying to free itself resulting in this injury. Either way, I hope he can elude the resident coyotes and survive the wound.

You just never know what is going to be on a game camera when you check it!