So, it has been over two years since I made a post on this blog, but I have a good excuse. A couple years ago I started a small business doing taxidermy work and it has really required lots of my time. I wanted to share some of my work on here and show you what I've been up to. My business is called Wildlife Creations Unlimited, LLC and I primarily do whitetail shoulder mounts, antler repairs and antler replicas. For more information on my business check out my website at or go give me a "like" on Facebook by viewing my page here. Here are a few mounts to show you some samples of my work.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
2012 SYC Turkey Hunt Highlights
I just got back from another trip to Northwest Iowa where I was helping as a hunting guide for the Special Youth Challenge Ministries annual turkey hunt. The hunt was once again a great success with a total of 26 hunters participating and 8 toms being harvested. This year's speaker was Mr. Dan Stephany who works for Bass Pro Shops. He delivered a powerful message from God's Word, and challenged everyone to share with others what God had done in their lives.
If you ever have the opportunity to participate in a hunt like this I would highly encourage it. You will definitely be blessed while making a difference in the lives of others.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
This is my group. Left to right - Josh Nelson, Scott Jordan (my dad), and myself. Our hunter was Zach Olson from Minnesota.
If you ever have the opportunity to participate in a hunt like this I would highly encourage it. You will definitely be blessed while making a difference in the lives of others.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
This is my group. Left to right - Josh Nelson, Scott Jordan (my dad), and myself. Our hunter was Zach Olson from Minnesota.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Opening Day Turkey Double
I had an unforgettable turkey hunt yesterday with my Dad at our lease. We decided to hunt a clearing adjacent to an area where I had seen some turkeys roosting back during duck season. So we pulled up in my truck early yesterday morning and immediately heard at least three different birds gobbling from the roost. We moved into position in the clearing and got the pop up blind and decoy set up as quietly as we could. After waiting a few minutes I began making a few quiet calls. The birds responded vocally to the first few calls and then got quiet. At that point I told my dad they were probably off the roost and on the ground. Just a moment later I noticed a bird coming in from our right at about 40 yards. Then another bird right behind him. Two more had made their way into the clearing about 100 yards straight ahead of us. The two to our right were a couple jakes and they began to get wary of the decoy, so before they got out of range we decided that was probably going to be our best shot opportunity. On the count of three we each squeezed the trigger and both birds dropped. It was definitely a moment I won't forget, and a great memory made with my Dad!

A big thanks to Kip Feroce and Ferocious Calls for sending me a custom box call to try in the field! Check out his website at for his complete line of calls. What a great product!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

A big thanks to Kip Feroce and Ferocious Calls for sending me a custom box call to try in the field! Check out his website at for his complete line of calls. What a great product!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Antler Makeover
A couple friends of mine recently found a nice matched set of shed antlers - but one was found fresh in February and still had all its color while the other one wasn't found until it had been laying on the ground for about 9 months and had suffered the effects of being out in the elements. I was asked to try to paint the faded antler to make it match the fresh one.
Here are a couple before pictures...
And here are the after pictures...
They aren't an exact match, but to the casual observer they look close enough. And my friends that found them like the way they turned out.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
SYC Deer Hunt 2011
Last weekend the SYC Deer Hunt was held in NW Iowa, and I was fortunate to be able to participate as a guide for one of the hunters. The weekend was full of excitement as 28 hunters harvested a total of 23 deer.
Due to the passing of my friend Greg Somers the week before as I mentioned in my last post, I was paired up with a different co-guide for this hunt. This year Danny Dodge of Spencer, Iowa and I were assigned to guide for a young man named Logan Slay. Here we are before the first morning's hunt getting ready to go out into the field. (From left to right: Terri Slay (Logan's Dad), Logan Slay, Danny Dodge, and myself)
The first morning in the stand turned out to be a good one. We saw a total of 7 deer, all does and fawns, and Logan was able to harvest a nice doe. This was Logan's first deer, and it was great that he and his dad were able to share the moment together.
Another successful hunter this year was Zach Olson from Minnesota. I had the privelege of guiding for Zach the last couple years and he bagged one doe the first year he hunted with me. This year he was being guided by my friend Marc Gustafson, and Zach shot two deer - a 7-point buck and a doe!
The biggest buck of the weekend was shot by a young man named Graham who bagged this really nice 10-point!
Overall, lots of good memories were made and the weekend was exciting for everyone involved. A speaker delivered a powerful message of how God changed his life, and lives are constantly being changed by the work of this ministry. I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to participate and for the wonderful friends I have met through SYC.
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